A Show of Art

A Show of Art

April 5, 2015

The Curvism art show has been up for a week now. I haven’t heard a word about how it’s going - who’s seen it, how they liked it or if anything sold. Over the past 40 years of art making I sold about $6,000 worth of art. I’ve had 3 shows at Flanders in Minneapolis. The first show sold maybe 7 pieces of art worth $2,000 - mostly to my relatives - the second show earned me 2 commissions worth about $2,000 and my 3rd show I made $900 (for which I bought 2 digital cameras one for me, one for Ezra.) The rest of my life I’ve earned roughly $1,000 on my art. Van Gogh sold only one or two paintings during his lifetime. I’ve got him beat, but he died at age 37. I’m 61. I can start collecting Social Security retirement income next year. 

I’ve made it this far in my art career without selling very many paintings. I own nearly everything I’ve ever made. I don’t need to sell any art now in order to survive. Of course I’ve long had the wish to make an honest living from my art, but that is not the reason why I make art. I make art for the fun of it not for the funds from it. I make art to change my world. I’ve given up on the idea of making a living from my art. I still however hold on to the wish to change the world with my art. 


Flanders 2015


Curvism: Beyond Postmodernism